The Storm is Over
“The storm is over,” I thought.
But then a rumble of thunder
Shook its fist at me
And soon a white finger of lightning
Illuminated the night
Like an eerie flash of nightmare
Scary, yet exciting
The patter of rain
Beat a rhythm on the roof
Constantly changing tempo
And played like a concerto of God.
Drowning out the meek music
Of my stereo
And the wind blows like Halloween night
Threatening to huff and puff and
Blow the house down.
All the instruments of Heaven
Come together in one great climax
Shaking the Earth in a fearsome frenzy
And then the denouement.
Ever so softly, the rain
Pitter-pattered on the roof
And the thunder grumbled a farewell
And I noticed the music of my stereo again.
“The storm is over,” I thought.
No answer came.
“Yes, the storm is –“
The thunder found strength anew and
The symphony struck up again.
Sometimes, life is like that.