It's Iris Awards Season, and it's Time to Nominate Your Favorites!

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Last year, I watched several of my friends take the stage the Mom 2.0 Summit to accept awards for the great work they have done, including Amiyrah Martin, Wendi Aarons, Jennifer Borget, and Amanda Magee. It means so much to know that your creativity is appreciated and applauded, and I was so proud of them. 

If you are a part of the Mom 2.0 community, you can vote for this year's Iris Awards. If you're NOT, you can still nominate for the Iris Awards people's choice! All nominations are due by this FRIDAY, MARCH 16. 

NOMINATE FOR AN IRIS AWARD HERE (open to Mom 2.0 community members)


If you like my work, here is a sampling of things I published this year; I would love to have your support with a nomination, if you're inclined. 

Washington Post: Teaching Kids About Healthy Relationships

TODAY Parents: How to Be the Worst Mother-in-Law Ever

TODAY Parents: The Things Mama Didn't Say

TODAY Parents: Dads Can Too, if We Let Them

TODAY Parents: Don't Be Afraid to Leap and Get Your Hair Wet

Today's Parent: My Son Idolizes Football Players, So We Had a Tough Talk


Kristin Shaw